<script>on mouseUpselect emptyset cursor to watchlock screenif line (word 2 of the clickLine) of me is empty thenresetMainTopicsCardexit mouseUpend ifput word 2 of the clickLine into topicNumbergo card topicNumbershowRightList falsehiliteTopic topicNumberunlock screenlock screenshowRightList trueunlock screen with visual effect wipe down fastif the mouse is down then exit mouseUp -- trap double clickend mouseUp</script>
<script>-- ∆ The maximum number of lines that a subtopic can use is two.-- To continue the name of a subtopic onto the next line,-- simply put a tab character into the first character of the second-- line. This script looks for that tab character and adjusts-- accordingly.on mouseUp-- Go to the section clicked on.visual effect zoom output word 2 of the clickLine into startLineif tab is in line startLine of me then-- The previous line is a continuation of the line clicked.put startLine into nextLinesubtract 1 from startLineelseif tab is in line (startLine + 1) of me then-- The next line is a continuation of the line clicked.put (startLine + 1) into nextLineelse-- The line clicked is a complete section name.put empty into nextLineend ifend ifselectWholeLine startLine,the name of me,nextLinewait 5put getSectionName(line startLine of me) into cardNamegoCard cardNameend mouseUpfunction getSectionName whichSectionget number of words in whichSectionput word 2 to it of whichSection into whichSectionif last char of whichSection is return thendelete last char of whichSectionend ifreturn whichSectionend getSectionName</script>
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<name>Leave Help</name>
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<name>Instruction 2</name>
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<script>on mouseUpput putSoundNameHere into theSoundName --we stick the actual sound name into "putSoundNameHere"if the CommandKey is "down" thenanswer "Are you sure you want to delete" && quote & theSoundName & quote & "?"¬ --∆with "No" or "Yes" --∆if it is "Yes" then --∆set cursor to watchdeleteMeexit mouseUpend ifset the hilite of me to falseelseif ":Audio Help" & return is in the stacksInUse & return then --∆if not SndExists(theSoundName) thenanswer "The sound associated with this button has been deleted."&&¬ --∆" Would you like to delete the button as well?"¬ --∆with "No" or "Yes" --∆if it is "Yes" then deleteMe --∆set the hilite of me to falseexit mouseUpend ifend ifplay theSoundNameif the sound is not theSoundName thenanswer "Sound" && quote & theSoundName & quote && "cannot be played." --∆set the hilite of me to falseexit mouseUpend ifset the hilite of me to truerepeat until the sound is doneif the mouse is down then play stopend repeatset the hilite of me to falseend ifend mouseUpon mouseDownif the OptionKey is down thenrepeat until the mouse is upset the loc of me to the mouselocend repeatget the rect of this cardif the loc of me is not within it thenput the height of this card div 2 into vertput the width of this card div 2 into horset the loc of me to hor,vertend ifexit to hypercardelseput false into OldStateput true into NewState -- in case the click was really fastset the hilite of me to truerepeat until the mouse is upput the mouseLoc is within the rect of me into NewStateif NewState ≠ OldState thenset the hilite of me to NewStateput NewState into OldStateend ifend repeatif not NewState thenset hilite of me to falseexit to hypercardend ifend ifend mouseDownon deleteMeglobal APHasEdit,APHasWaveEditput the short name of me into btnNameput the long name of this stack into stakNamedelete the first word of btnNamedelete the first word of stakNamedelete the first char of stakNamedelete the last char of stakNamelock screenif APHasEdit is true thenif APHasWaveEdit is true then put "Clear" into menuItem 6 of menu 3 --∆send "tempGiveUpEdit" to window "AudioPalette"end ifget the userlevelset the userlevel to 5select mesend "doMenu Clear Button" to HyperCardchoose browse toolset the userlevel to itif APHasEdit is true thenif APHasWaveEdit is true then put "Clear Sound" into menuitem 6 of menu 3 --∆send "tempTakeBackEdit" to window "AudioPalette"end ifunlock screenif ":Audio Help" & return is in the stacksInUse & return --∆then deleteSnd stakName, btnNameif there is a window "AudioPalette" then send "update" to window "AudioPalette"end deleteMe</script>
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<script>on mouseupput (":Audio Help" & return) is in (the stacksInUse & return) into InRealm --∆put putSoundNameHere into theSoundName --I stick the actual sound name into "putSoundNameHere"if the CommandKey is down thenanswer "Are you sure you want to delete" ¬&& quote & theSoundName & quote & "?" with "No" or "Yes" --∆if it is "Yes" then --∆set cursor to watchdeleteMeresetAPMenusend ifelseif InRealm thenif not SndExists(theSoundName) thenanswer "The sound associated with this button has been deleted."&&¬ --∆" Would you like to delete the button as well?"¬ --∆with "No" or "Yes" --∆if it is "Yes" then --∆set cursor to watchdeleteMeend ifUpdateAnnoteMenusexit mouseUpend ifend ifplay stopplay theSoundNameif the sound is not theSoundName thenanswer "Sound" && quote & theSoundName & quote && "cannot be played." --∆end ifend ifif InRealm then UpdateAnnoteMenusend mouseupon mousedownput (":Audio Help" & return) is in (the stacksInUse & return) into InRealm --∆put the number of me into mynumif the ShiftKey is down thenset the hilite of me to not the hilite of meif InRealm then UpdateAnnoteMenusexit to hypercardelseset the hilite of me to trueget number of btnsif InRealm thenrepeat with i = 1 to itif not IsSoundButton(i) then next repeatif i ≠ myNum then set the hilite of btn i to falseend repeatend ifend ifif the optionKey is down thenrepeat until the mouse is upset the loc of me to the mouselocend repeatget the rect of this cardif the loc of me is not within it thenput the height of this card div 2 into vertput the width of this card div 2 into horset the loc of me to hor,vertend ifif InRealm then UpdateAnnoteMenusexit to hypercardend ifend mousedownon deleteMe IncludeSoundglobal APHasEdit,APHasWaveEditput line 1 of the short name of me into butNameput the long name of this stack into stakNamedelete the first word of stakNamedelete the first char of stakNamedelete the last char of stakNamelock screenif APHasEdit is true thenif APHasWaveEdit is true then put "Clear" into menuItem 6 of menu 3 --∆send "tempGiveUpEdit" to window "AudioPalette"end ifget the userlevelset the userlevel to 5select mesend "doMenu Clear Button" to HyperCardchoose browse toolset the userlevel to itif APHasEdit is true thenif APHasWaveEdit is true then put "Clear Sound" into menuitem 6 of menu 3 --∆send "tempTakeBackEdit" to window "AudioPalette"end ifunlock screenif IncludeSound ≠ "noSound" then deleteSnd stakName, butNameif there is a window "AudioPalette"then send "update" to window "AudioPalette"end deleteMe</script>
<text>Audio Palette BasicsAbout SoundUsing Sound in StacksEditing SoundRecording Features</text>
<text>Main Topics for Audio Help</text>
<text>Click a subtopic to go to it:</text>
<name>Main Topics</name>
<script>∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞Script from background: Main TopicsTHE MESSAGE HANDLERS IN THIS SCRIPT:resumeStack,openBackground,closeBackground,openCard,mouseUp,showLeaveButton,setCheckMark,resetMainTopicsCard,showRightList,hiliteTopicTHE FUNCTION HANDLERS IN THIS SCRIPT:<none>∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞----------•• SYSTEM MESSAGES ••---------on resumeStackshowLeaveButtonpass resumeStackend resumeStackon openBackgroundsetCheckMark trueshowLeaveButtonpass openBackgroundend openBackgroundon closeBackgroundsetCheckMark falsepass closeBackgroundend closeBackgroundon openCardhiliteTopic (the number of this card)showRightList truepass openCardend openCardon mouseUpresetMainTopicsCardend mouseUp----------•• MESSAGE HANDLERS ••----------on showLeaveButton-- Show the button "Leave Help" if the user only has one stack window-- open; otherwise hide it.get (number of lines in the stacks is 1)-- ∆ Localize: the name of this button.set the visible of bkgnd button "Leave Help" to itend showLeaveButtonon setCheckMark boolean-- Set the menu bar for this background.setLocationCheckMark 1,booleanend setCheckMarkon resetMainTopicsCard-- Hide all objects pertaining to the right-hand list.lock screengo card 1showRightList falseunlock screen with visual effect wipe up fastend resetMainTopicsCardon showRightList boolean-- Show or hide all objects for the right-hand listset the showPict of this card to booleanset visible of bkgnd button "Hiliter" to booleanset visible of bkgnd field "Instruction 2" to booleanset visible of bkgnd field "Section" to booleanset visible of bkgnd button "Section Cover" to not booleanend showRightListon hiliteTopic topicNumber-- Show and move the Hiliter button.-- topicNumber is an integer, the number of the line in the Main Topics-- to be highlighted.put "Main Topics" into whichFieldget (top of bkgnd field whichField + (topicNumber * ¬the textHeight of bkgnd field whichField) + 2)set the bottom of bkgnd button "Hiliter" to itshow bkgnd button "Hiliter"end hiliteTopic</script>